我们知道,C++中的构造函数是没有返回值的。构造函数是一种很特殊的函数,因为他没有返回值。这和‘返回值为void’有极大的差别。返回void时,一般函数并不返回任何东西,但是一般的函数能够选择是否要返回些什么东西。构造函数则绝对不返回任何东西,而且你也没有任何选择。如果它有一个返回值,而且你有权利选择你自己的返回型别(return type),编译器势必得通过某种方式来知道如何处理那个返回值。
在《think in c++》里有这么一段解释C++构造函数为什么没有提供返回值的理由:
Both the constructor and destructor are very unusual types of functions: they have no return value. This is distinctly different from a void return value, in which the function returns nothing but you still have the option to make it something else. Constructors and destructors return nothing and you don’t have an option. The acts of bringing an object into and out of the program are special, like birth and death, and the compiler always makes the function calls itself, to make sure they happen. If there were a return value, and if you could select your own, the compiler would somehow have to know what to do with the return value, or the client programmer would have to explicitly call constructors and destructors, which would eliminate their safety.
void func(int a) {...} //(1)
void func(const A& a) {...} //(2)
func(A()); //(3),究竟调用谁?
构造函数用来创建一个新的对象,而虚函数的运行是建立在对象的基础上(请参见: 多态与虚函数),在构造函数执行时,对象尚未形成,所以不能将构造函数定义为虚函数。 通常析构函数才会用virtual修饰
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